Solar Panel Cleaning: Manual vs Robotic with SolarCleano F1

Solar energy is gaining ground in Switzerland, where the cleanliness of solar panels plays a crucial role in their performance. Regular cleaning is essential to maintain the efficiency of the panels. Two methods stand out: manual cleaning, which depends on human effort, and robotic cleaning, facilitated by devices such as the SolarCleano F1. […]

Towards a sustainable future: a practical guide for everyday green choices

Eco-responsible woman eliminating chemicals in favor of green solutions

“Towards a Sustainable Future” is not just a title, it is a personal mission, an urgent call to action by the planet. Every action, every choice, from cleaning to moving, from clearing out to second-hand purchases, weaves the fabric of our impact on the world. This practical guide is your compass to navigate the daily […]

Everything you need to know about recycling centers in French-speaking Switzerland

Swiss waste disposal sites

Switzerland is among Europe's models in waste management, ranking ninth out of 180 countries in the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranking. This distinction is largely attributed to its meticulous approach to collection and recycling.

Let’s discover how French-speaking Switzerland, through its recycling centers, is shaping our sustainable future.

Complete Guide for Successful Terrace Cleaning! 

terrace cleaning

Aaah, the terrace… This oasis of tranquility, this haven of peace where the rays of the sun play hide-and-seek with the leaves of the trees, where the song of the birds resonates like a sweet melody.

But alas, the beauty of this painting can quickly become tarnished: dead leaves, stubborn stains, insidious dirt... Don't panic! Here is a guide to restore the shine of your terrace and make it as fresh as the first day.

How to properly prepare for your move?

Prepare your move well

Who says preparing your move well, also says preparing a new start. Are you about to take the plunge? One thing is certain, moving is no easy task and a few techniques are necessary… This radical change that you are about to experience requires above all good organization, without which you will not […]

9 tips for choosing your mover and reducing your costs

moving box

With hundreds of thousands of moves every year in Switzerland, it’s a miracle that most of them go off without a hitch. Hiring quality movers is essential to achieve this! But even with so many successful moves, there are still unscrupulous service providers who can put you in a difficult position. It is […]

The Art of Recycling: How to sort to recycle better?

With around 50% of household waste recycled, the Swiss are pretty good students. However, with more than 700 kg of waste per capita per year, the Swiss are among the biggest creators of European garbage. So, how can we sort and recycle on a daily basis to save money on the environment? DEVELOPED COUNTRIES THAT GENERATE THE MOST […]

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