Dismantling, moving, giving a second life to your belongings or how to sell your second-hand furniture?

The Swiss are among the biggest "throwers" in the world. We all tend to accumulate a lot of objects that we don't always use. It's often during a move that you really realize how much furniture and objects you own. Unfortunately, it is too late, you don't have enough time to sell them, or you don't know the right methods to sell your furniture quickly. Whether you want to sell antique or modern objects on the internet, this article is made to help you. You will discover all the tips to sell your used furniture quickly online and earn money while uncluttering your home! Sell your furniture on the internet thanks to Facebook or Anibis will have no more secrets for you.


To help you, we've put together a simple list of quick and effective strategies that will teach you how to understand the workings of the secondhand market in order to sell your used items online quickly - and for more money:

1. What type of furniture for what type of buyers

The motivations of buyers of used goods are diverse. Nevertheless, we can distinguish 5 profiles of buyers.

The bargain hunter:

This category searches for everyday objects at a reduced price for personal use. They will try to negotiate reasonably.

The artisan:

You are selling a magnificent piece of wooden furniture, perhaps a customer whose hobby is furniture restoration will be delighted to give it a second life.

The favorites:

If you are trying to sell an atypical item, either it is trendy and will arouse a lot of curious people, or you will have to wait for the customer who will see your furniture as a great opportunity.

The businessman (woman):

These buyers aim to buy at the lowest price, they will try to reduce the price of your item as much as possible. Generally, the businessman (woman) tries to buy objects to resell them in Switzerland, but especially abroad.

The collectors:

You may have a treasure in your house! Some buyers are looking for collector's items, but you should know that you have a treasure in your hands.

2. Watch the timing and the price!

Most people don't know that timing plays an important role in the process of selling your furniture. Not all furniture sells at the same speed. The more bulky a piece of furniture is, the longer it will take to sell. Certain categories of objects, such as household appliances, generally sell fairly quickly. Trendy and modern furniture in excellent condition sells just as quickly. 

For solid wood furniture, it's a bit of a lottery. If you need to sell your furniture quickly, consider putting it up for sale as soon as possible for a price slightly higher than you expect to get for it. If there is interest in your furniture, don't hesitate to lower the price slightly on the condition that the person comes to pick it up quickly.

watch on the hand

If your furniture doesn't appeal to anyone, it may be that the price is too high. In this case, lower the price gradually. This increases the chances of selling your item more quickly.

If you are not in a hurry, then put your item for sale slightly above the desired price and wait for the right buyer to appear. If there is interest in your furniture, don't give in to haggling. Be patient!

Another interesting point is that people tend to start selling their furniture during the summer because it's moving season.

moving and clearance quote

3. Determine the value of your furniture

The true value of a piece of furniture is what your customer is willing to pay. It's not easy to estimate the value of an object if you're not an expert. The method we recommend is to simply search for similar furniture on Facebook marketplace or anibis and put a similar price. If you think you have a "treasure" some auction sites, such as www.art-expertise-valuation-geneve-suisse.com/expertise_tajan_geneve offer you a free estimate made by experts.

We do our best to add value to your objects by donating them to associations or reselling them on the second-hand market. Recyclage Express fights every day against the obsolescence of our society by promoting the recycling and valorization of waste.

Waste recovery process from storage rooms
Waste recovery process from storage rooms

"We have given a second life to more than 200 objects and recycled more than 60 tonnes of waste in 2019. Thanks to you, we hope to triple these figures by the year 2020."

4. Use the power of Facebook marketplace and anibis

First of all, you need a Facebook account. Then nothing could be easier than clicking on the icon at the top of the menu plus create your ad. As a general rule, an item is sold more easily on Facebook than on anibis, but this is not always the case. First of all, you need a Facebook account to be able to sell on the marketplace. Secondly, Facebook customers are younger and will be less inclined to buy very expensive items. Facebook is better suited for selling ordinary items, whereas Anibis allows you to sell more expensive or more atypical items. The big advantage of Facebook is the social side, Recyclage Express has created its own public group in which you can register in order to be kept informed of all the items we offer for sale. You have the possibility to pay to boost your ad and thus sell more easily, but we recommend this as a last resort. Generally, the boost on Facebook is a little more effective than on Anibis.

This is the Switzerland's most popular resale site between private individuals and it's free. Just like on Facebook, you have the possibility to pay to boost your ad. Thus, your ad will be highlighted. Nevertheless, we recommend that you only boost an ad if your furniture does not sell quickly and only if the price at which you want to sell your furniture is high.

5. Take great pictures of your furniture

The visual aspect is very important. One day, we received 2 beautiful solid wood chests of drawers. Unfortunately, the weather was dark and the photos were of poor quality. These chests of drawers were left for weeks without any request. Strange, yet this furniture was beautiful. We took beautiful pictures again in the sun and in a few hours they were sold.

Then you will have understood it, take several pictures of your furniture at 360 degrees with sufficient brightness. It is very important, when you create your ad, to attach several images of your furniture. You can also sell your furniture in a lot or with a nice arrangement.

Scandinavian furniture

You're not an expert in photography?

No problem!

Follow these four easy tips to help make your picture furniture look perfect and order the highest possible price:

  1. Clean your furniture before photographing it.
  2. Remove any clutter, such as pillows, jets, cups and books.
  3. take pictures during daylight hours.
  4. Take eye-level photos of the front, back and sides of your furniture.
Old music records

6. Tell the story of your furniture in the description of your furniture.

Be creative, but don't forget: your ad must answer all the questions your future buyer will ask. The most important information is the type of furniture, the sizes, the color, the type of materials, the state, the brand and the model. All this information is also used by search engines so a complete and clear ad will have many more visitors.

If you still have the receipt for your furniture or if it is still under warranty, add it to the photos in the ad. If this can be to your advantage (high value), add the replacement value of your object in the description.

Now, be a salesman! Tell the story of your piece of furniture and highlight all its assets.

Is your item an antique or a high value item? Share proof of authenticity such as a photo of the furniture label or your purchase receipt.

By following the tips above, you will accomplish all three of these things at once:

  1. Reduce the number of questions buyers ask you.
  2. Make your furniture more irresistible to buyers.
  3. Increase the perceived value of your furniture so that you can sell it at a higher price.

7. Be honest about the condition of your furniture.

 It is normal for furniture to suffer some damage with use. You know it, we know it, and buyers know it. Feel free to share some details and pictures of any damage, such as stains, tears, chips, scratches and dents.

Buyers like to know exactly what they're coming to see in advance. Your buyer is going to travel, and sometimes travel a long distance so play it straight. Keep in mind that the used furniture market is a sharing economy that depends on trust. That's what really motivates people to buy furniture from someone they've never met.

scales of justice

8. Be proactive and join our Facebook group!

On Facebook, join our group Recyclage Express (but there are others too), share your ad with your friends and in resale groups in your area. You can insert the link of an anibis ad on Facebook. Recycling Express sells thousands of items every year. You like a piece of furniture? Think about Recyclage express we also offer delivery between private individuals of bulky objects adapted to the second-hand market.

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Riddance for Home & Business

From the removal of a single piece of furniture to the complete disposal of apartments or houses, with Recyclage Express you can stay with peace of mind.

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